Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS
Tips Travel

Advice for Your First Cruise

Your first cruise is a super exciting adventure. However, it is incredibly difficult to know what to pack, how to plan, and exactly what to anticipate. After embarking on my first cruise, I have compiled all of the advice I wish I had before I set sail! You have all of this cruise advice in …


How to Pack A Carry-On Suitcase

My best travel advice is always the following: always travel with just a carry-on if possible. For me, and for many others, luggage is one of the more stressful parts of traveling. It’s expensive to check for a flight. It could potentially get lost. You have to sit around and wait at luggage claim at …

Tips Travel

How To Travel On A Budget

Many of us aspire to travel the world, but unfortunately are often faced with the challenge of affording to live the lavish travel life. However, there are many accessible ways to travel on a budget and still have an unforgettable experience. 1. Travel through a work exchange Traveling through a work exchange is a great …